CLICK HERE for tonight's 2/25 meeting. Our discussion will begin at 6:30.


NOTE: For the next two weeks (now through the end of November) there will be no online meetings. I have been working from a remote location and where I am has unreliable wifi. I will still be working. The best way to contact me is by email.

Updated February 25th, 2024

The Planning and Organizing Committee is responsible for planning and organizing our chapter's ongoing and upcoming activities. This includes the following: 


NOTE: No one needs to attend all of the meetings. The purpose of holding so many meetings is to give everyone the chance to participate based on their own personal schedule. You can attend all of the meetings or just a few. Choose the ones that are most convenient for you.

For this upcoming week, we will meet using Google Meet on Sunday, Feb. 25, Monday, Feb. 26, and Tuesday, Feb.27. To prepare for these meetings, familiarize yourself with the following pages on the website:


The link for tonight's meeting will be activated at 6:00pm. Our discussion will begin at 6:30.