SUN Nov. 5 - MON Nov. 6 - TUE Nov. 7
all times 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Is it dangerous to know too much?
Some people believe it is important to understand the truth of our history with all of its blemishes. Others believe that attention to more negative aspects of our history will increase the divisions among us.
This discussion will include a focus on group identity, social inequality, and the varying experiences among different groups. Differences can be based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexuality, and other perceived differences. For brainstorming purposes, consider the following questions:
Do you believe that we should confront our history? Or should we join the effort to sanitize our history to appeal to a broader audience?
Do you think every social group in this country has been treated fairly? Or are there some groups that have received favorable treatment while others have been mistreated?
During the week of our discussion, three sessions will be available: November 5th, 6th, and 7th. No one needs to attend all three sessions. The purpose of scheduling three sessions is to give everyone the opportunity to attend at least one.
Use the Learning Resources on this page to familiarize yourself with this topic. Complete the form at the bottom of this page to let us know that you are interested in this discussion.